I took a walk at dusk this evening and its already changing. I suppose it always does, yes, I know it always does. But it still surprised me a bit. It’s darker earlier suddenly, the cicadas are filling the air with that hot summer sound; it ebbs and flows as it crescendos through the trees. The lushness of the full summer is starting to give way, just a bit, to the dryness that so often comes as we get to late summer.

The grass is a bit brown, and it crunches a bit when you walk on it. Soon, it will be late August and thoughts will turn to the fall and the next transition…back to our non-summer routines, our schedules, our often full and busy lives
I hope before it ends that you have taken some time, had some time, to savor the beauty and the bounty of full summer.
Walke barefoot in the grass, and feel it crunch underfoot
Sit outside in the evening and listen to the sounds of the summer
Slow your pace a bit, take the time to pause and take in the activities of summer
Take a few conscious, slow breaths each day to notice the smell of the summer breeze
Have your meals outside with friends and family
It's what summer is about and what it can offer us; a time and a place and maybe even permission to slow down some, spend a bit less time doing and a bit more time being.
Enjoy these last weeks of summer; savor the sights and the sounds and the whole experience. You’ll be glad you did!